
1155. abandon X̱ÁLET x̣ʷelət
1156. accompany ₭EŚENET q̕ʷəšə́nət
1157. ache, hurt SÁ¸ĆEṈ;
1158. admire ĆÁU¸T;
1159. admit, let into the house W̱₭EKSIT xʷq̕ʷəq̕sít
1159.1. advance, go forward ĆELÁSET čəlésət
1160. advise NEPET nəpə́t
1161. adze ŚPÁNETEN špénətən
1161.1. be afire ĆEḰ čə́qʷ
1162. agree with so. W̱TÁLḴEN;
1163. aim at so. MOĆET máčət
1163.1. allow ONEȽ ʔánəɬ
1164. answer W̱TÁLḴEN xʷtélqən
1165. approach ȻIL¸ET kʷíl̕ət
1166. argue, have an argument ȻIX̱TEL kʷíx̣ʷtəl
1167. arrive TÁĆEL téčəl
1168. be ashamed XI¸XE¸;
1169. ask a question, inquire ĆTÁṈ čtéŋ
1170. ask for st. no word no word
1170.1. have a baby ḴAḴELO¸;
1171. bail a canoe ḰELESET qʷə́ləsət
1172. bait a line for fish DÍEMT t̕ə́yəmt
1173. bait a trap for animals no word no word
1174. bake (bread) ḴEWEṈ qə́wəŋ
1175. bandage KÁBET q̕ép̕ət
1176. barbecue meat ₭ELEṈ q̕ʷə́ləŋ
1177. barbecue fish ₭ELEṈ q̕ʷə́ləŋ
1178. bark (a dog) WESELO¸ wəsəláʔ
1179. make a basket ĆÁ¸I¸ E TSE MO͸ čéʔiʔ ʔə tsə máay̕
1179.1. bathe SOQEṈ¸ sák̕ʷəŋ
1180. bawl out ḰELṈITEṈ qʷəlŋítəŋ
1181. beat a drum KEU¸ÁTEṈ¸ q̕əw̕étəŋ̕
1182. beat so. in a contest ṮW̱ET ƛ̕xʷə́t
1183. beat so. up ₭OĆET q̕ʷáčət
1183.1. make a bed for so. LÁÁ¸ȽT léeʔɬt
1184. beg ḴEM¸ÁṈ¸ qəm̕éŋ̕
1185. begin doing st. no word no word
1185.1. begin to stop HOHI¸ háhiʔ
1186. belch ₭ÁJED q̕ʷéč̕ət̕
1187. believe KÁL¸ q̕él̕
1188. bend st. MEDET;
1189. bend over KBOSEṈ q̕p̕ásəŋ
1189.1. get better, improve I¸SOT ʔiʔsát
1189.2. be between two things ĆJESET;
1189.3. bind, restrain ḴIKET qíq̕ət
1190. give birth ȻȽĆḴAḴ;
1191. bite KIQET q̕ík̕ʷət
1192. bleed ŦÍYEṈ θə́yəŋ;
1193. blink one's eyes ȽEPXELOSEṈ¸ ɬəpx̣əlásəŋ̕
1194. bloom, blossom PAKEṈ péq̕əŋ
1195. blow (wind) PW̱ELO¸ pxʷəláʔ
1195.1. blow hard and fast TIMETEṈ tímətəŋ
1196. blow with the mouth POW̱ET páxʷət
1197. board canoe, go aboard, embark OOȽ;
1198. boil (as water) ȽBO₭EṈ;
1199. boil st. (food) ḰEL¸ES qʷə́l̕əs
1200. boil down (as jam) ȽBO₭EṈ ɬp̕áq̕ʷəŋ
1201. bore a hole in st. ŦȽEḰT θɬə́qʷt
1202. be born ȻȽ NI¸;
kʷɬ níʔ;
1203. borrow st. to use and return ȺY¸EL¸ ʔéy̕əl̕
1203.1. borrow st. not to return (money) ₭IṈELE¸ q̕ʷíŋələʔ
1204. bother so. ȽEQÁ¸ȽTEṈ ɬək̕ʷéʔɬtəŋ̕
1204.1. brag, boast ĆÁUSET čewsət
1204.2. brag about sexual exploits ṮEṮAḴEM ƛ̕əƛ̕éʔqəm̕
1205. braid DEṈSÁN¸ET t̕əŋsén̕ət
1206. break (cup, head, glass) DSET t̕sə́t
1207. break (stick, pen, paddle) TȻET tkʷə́t
1208. break (rope, string, thread) KEM¸ET q̕ə́m̕ət
1208.1. break (bone, table leg) ₭ḴET q̕ʷqə́t
1208.2. break (wood, paper) SKET sq̕ə́t
1208.3. break a point TȻEḴSEN tkʷə́qsən
1208.4. break up st. Ƚ͸YEḰT ɬə́y̕əqʷt
1208.5. break up a marriage ĆIX̱TEL číx̣ʷtəl
1209. breathe HÁȾEṈ hét̕ᶿəŋ
1210. bring (here) TĆISTW̱ tčístxʷ
1210.1. bring along SEWÁ¸TW̱ səwéʔtxʷ
1210.2. bring back to life HELIT həlít
1210.3. bring over EN¸OW̱ ʔənʔáxʷ
1210.4. bring st. down W̱ÁT xʷét
1210.5. bring st. out into the open TX̱E¸NOX̱ tx̣ʷəʔnax̣ʷ
1210.6. bring st. up ŚELṈISTW̱ šəlŋístxʷ
1211. bring up (a child) QEṈET k̕ʷə́ŋət
1212. brood, sit on eggs SṮEW̱IȽ sƛ̕əxʷíɬ
1213. be bruised (arm) SDAḴE¸ st̕éqəʔ
1214. bubble up (froth) BELEȻEṈ p̕əláq̕ʷəŋ̕
1215. build a fire ĆEḰEU¸SE¸ čə́qʷəw̕sə
1216. build a house ŦEĆEU¸TW̱EṈ θəčə́w̕txʷəŋ
1217. build a canoe ŦE¸YIU¸EȽ θəʔyíw̕əɬ
1217.1. bump into so. TIḴTEL tiqtəl
1217.2. bumping, jumping, dancing DḰISET t̕qʷisət
1218. burn ĆEḰ čə́qʷ
1219. burp ₭ÁJED q̕ʷéč̕ət̕
1220. burst W̱ṮŚAXEN;
1220.1. burst a boil ṈE₭ ŋə́q̕ʷ
1221. bury ĆENET čə́nət
1221.1. bury a corpse SMEQE¸IṈEȽ smək̕ʷəʔíŋəɬ
1222. butcher QIȾET k̕ʷít̕ᶿət
1222.1. butcher, gut (a deer) W̱ȽEṈIȻET xʷɬəŋíkʷət
1223. buy ILEḴET;
1223.1. buy food TW̱S¸IȽEN txʷsʔíɬən
1224. call out EN¸Á SḴILEṈ ʔənʔé sqíləŋ
1225. call so. down ȽX̱OSTEṈ;
1225.1. call so. to you, invite ḰÁNES qʷénəs
1225.2. call to a meeting, meal, etc. ḰENSELO¸ qʷənsəláʔ
1225.3. call on so. TĆINESEṈ tčínəsəŋ
1225.4. call for bad weather ḰE¸ÁNW̱ qʷəʔénxʷ
1226. make camp KELṈEN q̕ə́l̕ŋən
1226.1. can't SQȺ sk̕ʷéy
1227. capsize ȻEL¸ESET kʷə́l̕əsət
1227.1. card wool TEŚÁL¸ḴEN təšél̕qən
1228. be careful QENSOT k̕ʷən̕sát
1229. carve XDQEṈ x̣t̕k̕ʷə́ŋ
1230. carry st. on back ŦEṈ¸Á¸ θəŋ̕éʔ
1231. carry st. in arms ȻEN¸IT kʷən̕ít
1231.1. casting, fishing near shore ₭E₭EMÁL¸S q̕ʷəq̕ʷəmél̕s
1232. catch (a ball) ȻENNEW̱ kʷə́nnəxʷ
1233. catch (a prisoner) ȻENNEṈ SU¸ḴIKS kʷə́nnəŋ suʔqíq̕s
1234. catch (animal in trap) ĆḴEĆE¸;
1235. catch (a disease) KÁB q̕ép̕
1235.1. catch a glimpse of ĆQEN čk̕ʷə́n
1235.2. catching (fish) NOȾEṈ nát̕ᶿəŋ
1235.3. get caught in a storm ĆȽSȻÁĆEL čɬskʷéčəl
1236. challenge (to a race) no word no word
1237. change st. into st. I¸AḴT ʔiʔéqt
1238. chase away WÁȽET wéɬət
1239. chase, pursue ĆÁĆES čéčəs
1240. cheat ȻILEM kʷíləm
1240.1. check on so. ȻIL¸ET kʷíl̕ət
1241. chew ṈÁȻET ŋékʷət
1242. choke DQINES;
1243. choose MI¸SEṈ¸ míʔsəŋ̕
1244. chop (wood) QḰEMELO¸;
1245. clean ȾEȻ t̕ᶿəkʷ
1246. clear land W̱ȽEṈELO¸ xʷɬəŋəláʔ
1247. climb (a hill) ŚELṈOSEṈ šəlŋásəŋ
1247.1. climb down a hill ṮEĆȺṈEN ƛ̕əčeyŋən
1248. climb (a tree, ladder, etc.) ŚELEṈ šə́ləŋ
1249. close (a box) KEPELIĆT q̕əpəlíčt
1250. close one's eyes JBOLESEṈ¸ č̕p̕áləsəŋ
1250.1. get close to st. TSET tsə́t
1251. coax so. no word no word
1252. coil up KELȻOLES;
1253. have a cold ĆȾOȽEṈ čt̕ᶿáɬəŋ
1253.1. get cold ȾȽOṈESET t̕ᶿɬáŋəsət
1254. collect, gather KPEṈ q̕pə́ŋ
1255. comb one's hair TŚIḰEṈ tšíʔqʷəŋ
1256. come EN¸Á ʔənʔé
1256.1. come home JÁṈ¸ č̕éŋ̕
1256.2. come in on so. NEU¸NES nə́w̕nəs
1257. come off (as a button) ȽEṈ ɬə́ŋ
1257.1. come out of woods SEX̱ sə́x̣ʷ
1257.2. comfort so. ṮO¸ET ƛ̕áʔət
1257.3. command, order so. SÁT sét
1257.4. complain W̱KEȻÁN¸EṈ xʷq̕əkʷén̕əŋ
1257.5. congeal (eg. blood) BSISET p̕sísət
1258. cook ₭ELET;
1258.1. cook by open fire SḴEȻEN sqəkʷən
1258.2. cook in hot ash or steam ȾW̱ÁS t̕ᶿxʷés
1258.3. cook under hot gravel DELAḴ t̕əléq
1259. cool off ȾENOṈESET t̕ᶿənáŋəsət
1259.1. copulate QÁṮ k̕ʷéƛ̕
1260. cough TO₭EṈ táq̕ʷəŋ
1261. count QSEṈ k̕ʷsə́ŋ
1261.1. cover up st. ṮW̱IST ƛ̕xʷíst
1261.2. have back covered with blanket ŚṮW̱E¸WIĆ šƛ̕xʷəwič
1261.3. be cracked, ripped SAKEȽ séq̕əɬ
1262. have cramps KEL¸BTEṈ q̕ə́l̕p̕təŋ̕
1263. crawl JTEṈ č̕tə́ŋ
1264. cross oneself W̱METOSEṈ xʷmətásəŋ
1265. cross over (water) DÁȻEL t̕ékʷəl
1266. cross (road) DÁȻEL t̕ékʷəl
1267. crowd together SLÁȾEȽ slét̕ᶿəɬ
1268. cry X̱OṈ x̣ʷáŋ
1269. crush MIȾET mít̕ᶿət
1270. cure ȽEḰÁNEḴ ɬəqʷenəq
1271. be curious W̱I¸EL¸OS xʷiʔəlʔás
1272. cut (as wood) ȽEȾELO¸ ɬət̕ᶿəláʔ
1273. cut meat ȽIȾET ɬít̕ᶿət
1274. cut strips of skin KEM¸KEM¸ET q̕əm̕q̕ə́m̕ət
1275. cut off KEM¸ET q̕ə́m̕ət
1275.1. cut right through W̱EŦ xʷə́θ
1276. dance (Indian dance) SMIȽE smíɬə
1277. dance (modern dance) ₭IILEŚ q̕ʷiíləš
1277.1. be in danger, doomed SḴE¸LTE¸O¸MEŚ sqəl̕təʔaʔməš
1277.2. decapitate ȽEṈIḰTEṈ ɬəŋíʔqʷtəŋ
1278. decay ȾE₭OṈ¸SET t̕ᶿəq̕ʷáŋ̕sət
1279. deceive ₭E₭͸ÁL¸STEṈ q̕ʷəq̕ʷéʔəl̕stəŋ
1279.1. deepen ṮĆET ƛ̕čə́t
1279.2. defecate on st. ₭ȾET q̕ʷt̕ᶿə́t
1280. delay so. KEKEN¸IU¸S;
1281. delouse PIW̱E¸ḰEṈ píxʷəʔqʷəŋ
1281.1. be demolished SĆIWEX̱ sčíw̕əx̣ʷ
1282. defend so. ₭EŚENET q̕ʷəšə́nət
1282.1. descend W̱ILEṈ xʷíləŋ
1282.2. design st. XEL¸TOW̱ x̣əl̕táxʷ
1283. desire st. ŚITEṈ šítəŋ
1284. destroy, pulverize Ƚ͸YEḰT ɬə́y̕əqʷt
1284.1. detach ȽEṈÁS ɬəŋés
1285. deny (a lie) ŚI¸ÁSET šiʔésət
1286. die ₭Í;
1287. dig clams KXELO¸ q̕x̣əláʔ
1288. dig roots ŦI¸ḰÁL¸S E TSE ȻEMLEW̱ θiʔqʷél̕s ʔə tsə kʷə́mləxʷ
1289. dig (a pit) ŦÍEḰT θə́yəqʷt
1290. dip up (water) IĆEȽ ʔíčəɬ
1290.1. disagree DEXNOW̱ t̕əx̣náxʷ
1291. disappear ȾEU¸ t̕ᶿə́w̕
1292. disappoint so. no word no word
1292.1. get discipline from elder ṈAXETEṈ ŋéx̣ətəŋ
1293. discover st. and take it SMEQEṈ smə́k̕ʷəŋ
1293.1. discover st. ŦI¸LEĆ θíʔləč
1293.2. discuss st. HENIĆET həníčət
1294. dismantle, take apart ȽEṈIȻEST ɬəŋíkʷəst
1294.1. distribute goods ṈÁ¸TW̱ ŋéʔtxʷ
1295. dive (a person) NEḴEṈ nə́qəŋ
1295.1. dive (a fish) WAKEM wéq̕əm
1296. divide ŦELEḴTEL;
1297. dodge st. YEḴOST yəqást
1298. doubt so. EWE SȽKIL¸ ʔə́wə sɬq̕íl̕
1298.1. go down a hill ṮEĆḴÁNEN ƛ̕əčqénəŋ
1299. draw st. X̱EX̱Á¸YT x̣ʷəx̣ʷey̕t
1300. dream ḴEL¸ḴEL¸OŦEN qəl̕qəl̕áθən
1301. drift X̱ELE₭ x̣ʷə́ləq̕ʷ
1302. drink ḰO¸ḰE¸ qʷáʔqʷəʔ
1303. drip ȾKEṈ t̕ᶿq̕ə́ŋ
1304. drop st. ȻÁN¸EW̱ kʷéʔnəxʷ
1305. drown SḴSIȻES sqsíkʷəs
1305.1. dry (in air, sun) ŚÁMET šémət
1305.2. dry (with towel) EJIȻESEṈ ʔəč̕íkʷəsəŋ
1306. eat IȽEN;
1306.1. eat berries from picking basket EȽEN¸OŦEN ʔəɬən̕áθən̕
1306.2. eat fish heads ȾOḰES t̕ᶿáqʷəs
1306.3. eat steamed clams W̱IUEĆ xʷiwəč
1306.4. elope ȽEU¸ISTEṈ ɬəw̕ístəŋ
1307. end a story ȻȽ ESEB TŦE SḰEL¸ḰEL¸ kʷɬ ʔəsə́p̕ tθə sqʷə́l̕qʷəl̕
1308. enter (as house) NEU¸ nə́w̕
1309. escape (from captivity) ṮIU¸ ƛ̕íw̕
1309.1. escape (seek refuge) ȽÁU¸ ɬéw̕
1309.2. do evil work on so. ĆEĆITEṈ čəčitəŋ
1309.3. exaggerate SĆEW̱EḴSEN;
1310. exchange, trade Á¸YEḴTEL ʔéʔyəqtəl
1310.1. excuse me ₭Á¸ELEX SW̱ q̕ʷéʔələx̣ sxʷ
1311. exert oneself in vain W̱ȺȻES xʷéykʷəs
1311.1. exist NI¸ níʔ
1312. expect (a person) QEN¸QI¸EN¸ k̕ʷən̕k̕ʷíʔən̕
1313. explode ȻEṮEL¸EḰ kʷəƛ̕əl̕ə́qʷ
1314. extinguish a fire ṮQET ƛ̕k̕ʷə́t
1315. faint, pass out MEṮÁL məƛ̕él
1316. fall apart ĆIX̱ číx̣ʷ
1316.1. fall backward KXÁ¸TEṈ q̕x̣íʔtəŋ
1317. fall down (while walking) ĆAK čéq̕
1317.1. fall down (while standing) ȻESȻOL;
1317.2. fall (fruit from tree) PIW̱EṈ píxʷəŋ
1318. fall from a height HILEṈ híləŋ
1319. fall out (as hair) ₭OṈ¸EȽ q̕ʷáŋ̕əɬ
1320. fall overboard, fall into water ḴES qə́s
1321. fart, flatulate ȻETEK;
1322. fear SÁ¸SESI¸ séʔsəsiʔ
1323. be fed up ṮOM ƛ̕ám
1323.1. feed so. EȽENISTW̱ ʔəɬənístxʷ
1324. feel sorry for self TSOSTENOMET tsastənámət
1325. feel (with hands) ṮÁBET ƛ̕ép̕ət
1325.1. feel along with feet ṮEBSENEṈ ƛ̕əp̕sə́nəŋ
1325.2. feel bad/sorry for so. XEȽTOW̱ x̣əɬtáxʷ
1325.3. feel nauseated ĆELETÁL¸ṈEN čələtél̕ŋən
1325.4. fell (a tree) ĆAKET čéq̕ət
1325.5. figure st. out XĆET x̣čə́t
1325.6. figure st., measure st. XEĆNOW̱ x̣əčnáxʷ
1326. fill LEȾET lət̕ᶿə́t
1327. fill with solid LEȾET lət̕ᶿə́t
1328. find st. ŦI¸LES θiʔləs
1328.1. find st. and pick it up MEQEṈ mə́k̕ʷəŋ
1329. find out (realize, discover) TOL¸NEW̱ tál̕nəxʷ
1330. finish doing st., complete ŚEḴ šə́q
1330.1. finish, quit for now háy
1330.2. finished off, used up OU¸Q ʔáw̕k̕ʷ
1331. finish eating HOĆŦEN háčθən
1332. fish (in general) QEWYEȻ k̕ʷə́wyəkʷ
1332.1. fish for salmon ĆENÁNW̱ čənén̕xʷ
1332.2. fish for herring ȽEDEM¸ ɬə́t̕əm̕
1333. fish with a net ĆENÁNW̱ čənén̕xʷ
1334. fish with line QEWYEȻ k̕ʷə́wyəkʷ
1335. fish with torch (pit-lamp) EL¸XEU¸Á ʔəl̕x̣əw̕é
1335.1. fistfight W̱TĆÁSES xʷtčésəs
1336. make a fire ĆEḰEU¸SE¸ čə́qʷəw̕sə
1337. fire (a gun) ȽEN¸QELO¸ ɬən̕k̕ʷəláʔ
1338. gather firewood KPOL¸EU¸SE¸ q̕pál̕əw̕sə
1339. fit (as coat) ṮOMESET ƛ̕áməsət
1340. fix st. LÁ¸T léʔt
1340.1. flap (e.g. wings) TEMḰT tə́mqʷt
1340.2. flee ȽÁU¸ ɬéw̕
1341. float SBOȻEȽ sp̕ə́kʷəɬ
1342. fly ȻELEṈ kʷə́ləŋ
1343. fold st. W̱MESOST xʷməsást
1343.1. fold in (as top of sack) MESET məsə́t
1344. follow behind so. ĆÁĆES čéčəs
1344.1. follow the beach in a canoe IȽĆELIḰ ʔiɬčəɬiqʷ
1345. forget st. MEL¸EḴT mə́l̕əqt
1346. freeze ŦIME¸T;
1346.1. get fierce XESILEṈ x̣əsíləŋ
1347. fry st. JȻEXT č̕kʷə́x̣t
1347.1. gain weight, get fat NOSSET nássət
1348. gamble SMET smə́t
1348.1. gasp HOḰT haqʷt
1349. gather (people), assemble KPESET q̕pə́sət
1349.1. get along well I¸TOL ʔiʔtál
1350. get dressed IȾEṈ ʔít̕ᶿəŋ
1351. get drunk TW̱ESW̱EW̱ÁQTEṈ txʷəsxʷəxʷek̕ʷtəŋ
1351.1. get erection ȽXEṈ ɬx̣ə́ŋ
1352. get hurt, injured MÁ¸ȻEȽ méʔkʷəɬ
1353. get stuck (in the mud) DE¸LDEȻW̱TEṈ t̕əlt̕əkʷxʷtəŋ
1353.1. get together with like minded HOȻTTEL hákʷttəl
1354. get used to st. SĆU¸ÁTSET sčuʔétsət
1355. get well, recover I¸SOT ʔiʔsát
1356. ghost so. PEL¸PEL¸ḰIȾO¸TEṈ pəl̕pəl̕qʷit̕ᶿáʔtəŋ
1357. give (normal giving) OṈEST ʔáŋəst
1358. give (potlatch giving) SṮÁN¸EḴ;
1358.1. be given ȽIL ɬíl
1359. give out, be all gone OU¸Q ʔáw̕k̕ʷ
1359.1. give a speech ḰEḰÁL¸ qʷəqʷél̕
1360. be glad (happy) HILEȻ híləkʷ
1361. gnaw (as animal) XEQÁL¸S;
1362. go away YÁ¸ HÁU¸E yéʔ héw̕ə
1362.1. go to bed ITET ʔítət
1363. go down toward water ŦȽO;
kʷɬ- séw
1364. go downstream x̣ʷəlq̕ʷíləŋ x̣ʷəlq̕ʷíləŋ
1364.1. go down wrong pipe in throat ȽDEṈEḴEN ɬt̕ə́ŋəqən
1364.2. go very fast STI¸TEM¸ stíʔtəm̕
1364.3. go forward ĆELÁSET čəlésət
1365. go home DOQ t̕ák̕ʷ
1366. go on a long journey LELILEṈ ləlíləŋ
1367. go on a short trip U¸- STÁSEȽ OL¸ ʔuʔ- stésəɬ ʔal̕
1367.1. go on a vacation HÁU¸E héw̕ə
1367.2. got to other side of point ĆEL¸EḴSEN čəl̕ə́qsən
1368. go outside YÁ¸ SḴILEṈ yéʔ sqíləŋ
1368.1. go over to other side ṈEL¸ÁL ŋəl̕él
1369. go out (as fire) ṮEQ ƛ̕ə́k̕ʷ
1370. go up (ascend) ŚELṈOSEṈ;
1371. go upstream TÍEL¸ tə́yəl
1371.1. go visiting NEȾEU¸TW̱EṈ nət̕ᶿə́w̕txʷəŋ
1372. gossip ĆȻÁ¸ E TȽ SḰÁL čkʷéʔ ʔə tɬ sqʷél
1373. grab with hands ȻENET kʷə́nət
1373.1. grab a handful XIṈET x̣íŋət
1373.2. get grazed (from a shot) ṮEŚ ƛ̕ə́š
1374. greet no word no word
1375. grind Ƚ͸YEḰT;
1376. groan EN¸XSET ʔə́n̕x̣sət
1376.1. get grounded (in a boat) ŚAMOWEĆ šemáwəč
1377. grow JISEṈ č̕ísəŋ
1378. grow (as child) JISEṈ č̕ísəŋ
1379. growl (as dog) XENITEṈ;
1379.1. growl, grumble (stomach) QĆOX̱EṈ k̕ʷčáx̣ʷəŋ
1380. guess, make a guess DÁMET t̕émət
1381. hang st. up ĆELEṈ¸OST čələŋ̕ást
1382. hang on a nail ĆELEṈ¸OST čələŋ̕ást
1382.1. hang onto st. XEṈIT x̣əŋít
1383. hang over a rail or line KI¸ELET q̕íʔələt
1383.1. hatch, come out of egg BEȽ p̕ə́ɬ
1384. hate, dislike so. ŚW̱ETIN¸ šxʷətín̕
1384.1. have some more ḴELÁT qəlét
1385. haying SO¸X̱EL¸ sáʔx̣ʷəl̕
1386. heal (as wound) ȽÁU¸;
1387. hear LELÁ¸NEṈ;
1387.1. be in heat, going crazy ȻO¸TI¸TEṈ¸ kʷáʔtiʔtəŋ̕
1388. help so. ȻENÁṈET kʷənéŋət
1389. hew, work in stone no word no word
1390. hide oneself ȻȺL kʷeyl
1391. hide, conceal an object ȻȺLET kʷélət
1391.1. hire YÁQ yék̕ʷ
1392. hit so. (with fist) W̱ȾSOSTEṈ xʷt̕ᶿsástəŋ
1392.1. hit so. all over ȾE₭ITEṈ t̕ᶿəq̕ʷítəŋ
1393. hit so. (with stick) ŚJET šč̕ə́t
1394. hit so. (slap) W̱Ƚ₭EST xʷɬq̕ʷást
1394.1. hit (by throwing st.) DEM¸;
1394.2. get hit (by moving object) TI₭NEṈ tíq̕ʷnəŋ
1395. hoist up, reel in ŚELṈISTW̱ šəlŋístxʷ
1396. hold st. in hands ȻENSIṈ kʷənsíŋ
1396.1. hold legs straight out TETOX̱SEN tətáx̣ʷsən̕
1397. hold st. steady ȻEN¸ÁT SE¸ U¸YOŦ kʷən̕ét səʔ ʔuʔyáθ
1397.1. holler ȻEXŦINEṈ kʷəx̣θínəŋ
1397.2. holler at so. ȻĆÁṈET kʷčéŋət
1398. hollow st. out ȽO¸WEȽ ɬaw̕əɬ
1398.1. get hot QÁSSET k̕ʷéssət
1399. howl (as dog) ṮEWEṈ ƛ̕ə́wəŋ
1399.1. hug each other JEȾSTOL¸ č̕ət̕ᶿstál̕
1400. be hungry QȺ¸ k̕ʷéy̕
1401. hunt deer, moose, elk EMNI¸EṈ¸ ʔəmníʔəŋ̕
1401.1. hunt deer, looking for deer SM͸Ŧ smə́y̕θ
1402. hunt ducks PI¸OTEȽ piʔátəɬ
1402.1. hunt in water (fish, crab, etc.) ṮEȽNÁLEṈ ƛ̕əɬnéləŋ
1403. hurry Á¸EȽ;
1403.1. ignore st., let it go ȻÁ¸ET kʷéʔət
1404. imitate, copy X̱EX̱Á¸Y x̣ʷəx̣ʷey̕
1404.1. immerse self in water KEṈSET q̕ə́ŋsət
1404.2. impale st. XOQET x̣ák̕ʷət
1404.3. imprisoned, incarcerated SḴÁKETEṈ sqeq̕ətəŋ
1405. insult so. XȽET x̣ɬə́t
1406. invite to a feast SṮÁ¸EŚEN sƛ̕éʔəšən
1406.1. invite for food XEȽSENEḴ x̣əɬsənə́q
1407. invite (on a hunting trip) LOLETEṈ lálətəŋ
1408. itch, tickle ȻESIḴEṈ kʷəsíqəŋ
1408.1. itch (from bites) SEJI¸TEṈ¸ səč̕íʔtəŋ̕
1408.2. itch (from eczema, etc.) ȽOȽEȾ ɬáɬət̕ᶿ
1408.3. jigging deep ŚȽEṈTÁL¸S šɬəŋ̕tél̕s
1409. join together (as sticks) KEPELIĆT q̕əpəlíčt
1410. join together (stitch up) JEȾNEȻÁLET č̕ət̕ᶿnəkʷélət
1410.1. join together (stuck) EŦNEȻÁLET ʔəθnəkʷélət
1410.2. join together (as rope) KEW̱NEȻÁLET q̕əxʷnəkʷélət
1410.3. join a group ₭O¸ q̕ʷáʔ
1411. joke X̱I¸ḴÁĆEṈ x̣ʷiʔqéčəŋ
1412. jump (up) W̱ITEṈ xʷítəŋ
1413. jump (of fish) WAKEM wéq̕əm
1413.1. jump (across) W̱TEṈOŦ xʷtəŋáθ
1413.2. keep so. for a long time HIŦTW̱ híθtxʷ
1414. kick so. LEMÁ¸T ləméʔt
1415. kick around, give signs of life TEWE LEM¸IU¸SEṈ¸ təwə ləmiʔíw̕səŋ̕
1415.1. kick out of house SELSḴÁS;
1415.2. kidnap, abduct SḴÁN¸ sqén̕
1416. kill ₭EĆHIṈEȽ;
1417. kiss W̱MEȻŦIT xʷməkʷθít
1418. kneel ȾKÁȽXO¸ t̕ᶿq̕éɬx̣əʔ
1418.1. knit ȻI¸XSISEṈ¸ kʷiʔx̣sísəŋ̕
1419. knock, rap ȻEW̱SISEṈ kʷəxʷsísəŋ
1419.1. knock st. off/over ȽDET ɬt̕ə́t
1419.2. knocked down ĆAKNEṈ čéq̕nəŋ
1420. tie a knot KIW̱ET q̕íxʷət
1421. know (a fact) XĆIT x̣čít
1422. know (a person) XĆIT x̣čít
1423. know (how to do st.) SĆU¸ÁT sčuʔét
1423.1. not know how to SḴÁḴE¸L sqeqəl̕
1423.2. be in labor ĆE¸ÁL¸ĆELEM¸ čəʔél̕čələm̕
1424. ladle food IĆET ʔíčət
1424.1. land (as bird, plane, etc.) ḴBILEṈ;
1425. last a long time SQȺ Ȼ SḴEL E ȻSE ȻȽIŦ sk̕ʷéy kʷ sqə́l ʔə kʷsə kʷɬíθ.
1426. laugh (one person) NEĆEṈ nə́čəŋ
1427. laugh (group of people) NELENÍEṈ nələnəyəŋ̕
1428. launch a canoe HEḴIȻEȽ həqíkʷəɬ
1429. lean st. against st. SŦEN¸ÁĆT θən̕éčt
1430. leak (as canoe) MÁ¸EN¸ méʔən̕
1431. leak (as roof) ȾKEṈ t̕ᶿq̕ə́ŋ
1432. learn (as language) DÁDOSET t̕et̕ásət
1433. learn (how to do st.) DÁDOSET t̕et̕ásət
1434. leave, depart YÁ¸ yéʔ
1435. leave food (left-overs) TEṈOŦEN təŋáθən
1436. leave st. with so. S¸ELIṈEȽ sʔəlíŋəɬ
1437. leave so. all alone Á¸Á¸LȻEṈ ʔeʔél̕kʷəŋ
1437.1. leave behind ȽOLES ɬáləs
1438. lend st. to so. ȺYEL¸TW̱;
1439. let go of st. ȻÁ¸ET kʷéʔət
1439.1. let's ISTÁ ʔisté
1439.2. let join ₭O¸ET q̕ʷáʔət
1440. lever up ȻÁȾET kʷét̕ᶿət
1441. lie, tell a lie, falsehood W̱ḴȺYEXḴEN xʷqéyəx̣qən
1442. lie (position of person) SȻÁSET skʷésət
1443. lie (as trees) SĆȺY¸EK sčéy̕əq̕
1444. lie (as blankets) SESÁU¸T TSE SEM͸ səséw̕t tsə səmə́y̕
1445. lie down, assume lying position SȻÁSET skʷésət
1446. lie down on one's back SXÁ¸XEȽ sx̣éʔx̣əɬ
1446.1. lie on one's side SNÁŚEȽ snéšəɬ
1446.2. lie on one's stomach ḴEḴBI¸EȽ qəqp̕íʔəɬ
1447. lick (with tongue) ȾIM¸ET t̕ᶿím̕ət
1448. lift up SÁ¸ET séʔət
1449. light, set fire to ĆEḰET čə́qʷət
1450. light, illuminate TÁU¸ téw̕
1451. like, love so. I¸TOW̱ ʔiʔtáxʷ
1452. limp STȻÁ¸EĆ stkʷéʔič
1452.1. lined up ȽIṈESTEṈ ɬíŋəstəŋ
1453. listen LELÁ¸NEṈ ləléʔnəŋ
1454. be lonesome SEL¸SEL¸Ḱ sə́l̕səl̕qʷ
1455. look at st. QENET k̕ʷə́nət
1455.1. look inside st. ȻIL¸ET kʷíl̕ət
1455.2. look for st. ṮLÁ¸EṈ ƛ̕léʔəŋ
1455.3. look up from doing st. SO¸ESEṈ sáʔəsəŋ
1455.4. look upward ȻTOS kʷtás
1455.5. look downward KBOS q̕p̕ás
1455.6. look at the weather QEN¸ÁN¸W̱ k̕ʷən̕én̕xʷ
1455.7. look for lice QEN¸ÁL¸S k̕ʷən̕él̕s
1456. loosen (as screw, lid) ȻȾIUST kʷt̕ᶿíwst
1456.1. loosen (as belt, clothes) LIḰET líqʷət
1457. come loose ḴEṮEM¸ qə́ƛ̕əm̕
1457.1. lose, die X̱ÍL¸ x̣ʷə́yl̕
1458. lose st. X̱EY¸LNEW̱ x̣ʷəyl̕nəxʷ
1458.1. lose a contest SṮEW̱ sƛ̕ə́xʷ
1459. lose heart, be discouraged U¸ḴEL¸EL¸ OL¸ TŦE NEŚW̱ḰÁLEȻEN ʔuʔqə́l̕əl̕ ʔal̕ tθə nəšxʷqʷéləkʷən
1459.1. be lost, disappeared ŦELŦEW̱ θəlθə́xʷ
1459.2. get mad, angry XESILEṈ x̣əsíləŋ
1460. make, build (anything) XTIT;
1460.1. make a big effort to achieve st. W̱ȺȻES xʷéykʷəs
1460.2. make a bed for so. LÁÁ¸ȽT léeʔɬt
1460.3. make sound to attract animal ȾEMOST t̕ᶿəmást
1461. make a noise X̱EPȻSET x̣ʷə́pkʷsət
1462. marry, get married MELYITEL;
1462.1. not matter, not care ṮEW̱LO¸ES ƛ̕əxʷláʔəs
1462.2. mean, intend LOL slál
1463. measure (length) LEKT lə́q̕t
1464. meet W̱ĆEM¸SNEȻEL xʷčəm̕snə́kʷəl
1464.1. having a meeting MI¸TEṈ¸ míʔtəŋ̕
1465. melt (as ice) ĆEX̱EṈ čə́x̣ʷəŋ
1465.1. menstruate X̱EṮES x̣ʷə́ƛ̕əs
1465.2. be in the middle ONEU¸EȽ ʔánəw̕əɬ
1465.3. milk a cow JEȾÁLṈEW̱ č̕ət̕ᶿélŋəxʷ
1465.4. mingle W̱EJ xʷə́č̕
1465.5. misbehave SȻOTI skʷáti
1466. miss a shot ḰIX̱ET qʷíx̣ʷət
1467. mix MILEJET;
1468. mixed up, confused, bewildered SMI¸ELEJ smíʔələč̕
1468.1. moan O¸NXSET ʔan̕x̣sət
1469. mould, give shape no word no word
1470. mount a horse ȾE¸ILEṈ t̕ᶿəʔíləŋ
1471. mourn the dead TÁU¸EḴEN¸ téw̕əqən̕
1471.1. move to a new home ĆÁNEL čénəl
1471.2. murder ȻÁLEȻES kʷéləkʷəs
1472. nail ȾISET t̕ᶿísət
1473. name so. NÁT nét
1474. make a net no word no word
1474.1. need st. SKÁLEXEM sq̕éləx̣əm
1474.2. have a nightmare XEXÍOQESTEṈ x̣əx̣áyək̕ʷəstəŋ
1475. nod one's head W̱NEḰOSEṈ xʷnəqʷásəŋ
1476. hear st. ELÁ¸NEW̱ ʔəléʔnəxʷ
1476.1. make noise (as so. working) X̱EPO¸ȻEṈ x̣ʷəpáʔkʷəŋ
1477. be a nuisance no word no word
1478. nurse a baby ḴEMO¸STW̱ qəmáʔstxʷ
1479. obey ONEȽ;
1479.1. obstruct, be in so.'s way LEKÁȽ ləq̕éɬ
1479.2. get out of canoe, car, disembark ₭IṈ q̕ʷíŋ
1480. open st. W̱ȻEKET xʷkʷəq̕ə́t
1480.1. open eyes QENELO¸ k̕ʷənəláʔ
1481. oil (hair) NESHI¸ḰEṈ nəshíʔqʷəŋ
1481.1. oil st. (lubricate) NOSET násət
1481.2. be on one's way, going on Á¸I¸ ʔéʔiʔ
1481.3. operate a machine ŚTEṈISTW̱ štəŋístxʷ
1481.4. overflow BILEṈ p̕íləŋ
1481.5. own st. ĆȻÁ¸ čkʷéʔ
1482. pacify ṮO¸ET ƛ̕áʔət
1483. pack st. on one's back ŦEṈ¸Á¸ θəŋ̕éʔ
1484. pack a baby on back ŦEṈ¸Á¸IȽ θəŋ̕eʔíɬ
1485. pack one's baggage Ṯ₭IW̱ȻESEṈ ƛ̕q̕ʷíkʷəsəŋ
1486. paddle IST;
1487. paint one's face W̱ȽXOST xʷɬx̣ást
1488. paint one's body TEMEȽIȻESTEṈ təməɬíkʷəstəŋ
1489. pass by ĆELÁU¸ čəléw̕
1490. patch up (as clothes) W̱KBET xʷqp̕ə́t
1491. pay for anything NEU¸NÁĆ nəw̕néč
1492. pay so. KÁWET q̕éwət
1492.1. peck (as a bird) ȽEȻELE¸ ɬə́kʷələʔ
1492.2. peek around a corner ȻELÁL¸S kʷəlél̕s
1492.3. peek out a hole, crack, window ĆEĆITḴES čəčítqəs
1493. peep, peer ĆETḴOSEṈ čətqásəŋ
1494. peel (separates freely) ₭ELEȾT;
1494.1. peel (potatoes, apples, etc.) ŚPOLES špáləs
1495. perish (one person) ȾEU¸ t̕ᶿə́w̕
1496. perish (several persons) ȾEU¸ t̕ᶿə́w̕
1497. pick berries ȽEMEȾEṈ ɬə́mət̕ᶿəŋ
1498. pick st. up (from ground) MEQEṈ mə́k̕ʷəŋ
1499. pick up with fork, spike TEĆT təčt
1500. pierce ŦȽEḰT θɬə́qʷt
1501. pile up (as stones) MEQÍYI¸ĆT mək̕ʷəyíʔčt
1502. pile up (as blankets) MEQÍYI¸ĆT mək̕ʷəyíʔčt
1502.1. pile in a row DEN¸ET t̕ə́n̕ət
1503. pinch ȾȽEQT t̕ᶿɬə́k̕ʷt
1503.1. get pinched by a crab ȾEṈ¸ŦISTEṈ t̕ᶿəŋ̕θístəŋ
1504. smoke a pipe ȽBOṮEṈ ɬp̕áƛ̕əŋ
1505. pit-lamp EL¸XEU¸Á ʔəl̕x̣əw̕é
1505.1. pity ȾIW̱EṈ t̕ᶿíxʷəŋ
1505.2. be at a place LÁ¸E léʔə
1506. plant ĆNIṈEȽ čəníŋəɬ
1507. play YEYOSEṈ¸ yəyásəŋ̕
1507.1. play cards DÁ¸PEL¸ t̕éʔpəl̕
1507.2. plow ṮEŚENEP ƛ̕ə́šənəp
1508. pluck a bird ₭EṈIȻEST q̕ʷəŋíkʷəst
1509. point at so. MEDOST mət̕ást
1510. poke so. TĆET tčə́t
1511. pole up (in a canoe) X̱O₭ET x̣ʷáq̕ʷət
1512. give a potlatch ṮÁ¸NEḴ ƛ̕éʔnəq
1513. invite to a potlatch SṮÁ¸EŚEN sƛ̕éʔəšən
1513.1. pound, hammer ȾESIṈ¸EȽ t̕ᶿəsíŋ̕əɬ
1514. pour out liquid ȻEL¸ET;
1515. pour out solids ȽAXET ɬéx̣ət
1515.1. get power QEĆÁSET k̕ʷəčésət
1515.2. pray DIU¸I¸EȽ t̕íw̕iʔəɬ
1516. be pregnant SQÁQI¸ sk̕ʷéʔk̕ʷiʔ
1516.1. prepare st. XTIT x̣tít
1517. press down ṮEĆEKT ƛ̕əčə́q̕t
1518. press together ṮEKNEȻÁLET ƛ̕əq̕ʷnəkʷélət
1518.1. press a button JEBITEṈ č̕əp̕ítəŋ
1518.2. pretend to do st. NIȽSTE¸NO¸MET niɬstənaʔmət
1519. pry out (board, bark) Ƚ₭ET ɬq̕ʷə́t
1519.1. pry up on st. ȻÁȾET kʷét̕ᶿət
1520. protect ÍY¸ ȻE SQENTS ʔə́y̕ kʷə sk̕ʷə́n̕ts
1521. pull, drag W̱QET xʷk̕ʷə́t
1522. pull out a nail ȽEṈÁS TSE ȾISEN ɬəŋés tsə t̕ᶿísən
1523. pull out (tooth) ₭EṈETEṈ TSE N¸ĆENES q̕ʷə́ŋətəŋ tsə n̕čə́nəs
1523.1. pull out the bow with paddle ȽI¸ṈES ɬíʔŋəs
1523.2. pull net or set line in W̱EQELÍEN xʷək̕ʷəláyən
1523.3. punch ȾSET t̕ᶿsə́t
1524. punish KÁWESET q̕éwəsət
1524.1. push off a canoe ŦXET θx̣ə́t
1524.2. put beads on a string W̱SOU¸ET xʷsáw̕ət
1525. put down (one object) SÁȻES sékʷəs
1526. put down (several objects) SELÁȻES səlékʷəs
1527. put down (e.g. one sack) SÁȻES sékʷəs
1528. put down (e.g. several sacks) SELÁȻES səlékʷəs
1529. put inside NEU¸ÁS nəw̕és
1529.1. put st. among W̱JET xʷč̕ə́t
1529.2. put st. into dish for eating ȽAXET ɬéx̣ət
1529.3. put st. into mouth MEȻOT məkʷát
1529.4. put st. into oven HIḴET híqət
1529.5. put st. into water ḴSET qsə́t
1529.6. put st. on st. DÍEMT t̕ə́yəmt
1529.7. put legs together MESELILEṈ məsəlíləŋ
1530. put out (fire) ṮQET ƛ̕k̕ʷə́t
1531. put up (as pole) ŦȽIṈESTW̱ θɬíŋəstxʷ
1531.1. put up (as pictures) ĆELEṈ¸OST čələŋ̕ást
1531.2. put up (preserve food) KELO¸EṈ q̕əláʔəŋ
1531.3. put up on, above ȾÁ¸ET t̕ᶿéʔət
1531.4. put trousers on HEḴIU¸SEṈ¸ həqíw̕səŋ̕
1531.5. quarrel ȻIX̱TEL kʷíx̣ʷtəl
1531.6. be quiet, shut up SEMW̱OŦEN səmxʷáθən
1532. race, have a race (canoe) téy
1533. race EWO¸TEL¸ ʔəwáʔtəl̕
1534. race (foot race) ȻONEṈET kʷánəŋət
1534.1. get raided NELEU¸NESEṈ nələ́w̕nəsəŋ
1534.2. raise, rear a child JSIṈET;
1534.3. raise the price ṮI¸ET ƛ̕íʔət
1535. reach for st. ȻENET kʷə́nət
1535.1. reach st. TSÁSES tsésəs
1536. realize st. TW̱EXĆIT txʷəx̣čít
1537. recite, tell (a legend) X̱͸ÁM¸ x̣ʷəy̕ém̕
1538. recognize so. PITNEW̱ pítnəxʷ
1538.1. record XEL¸ET x̣əl̕ə́t
1539. refuse so. st. QȺYESIT k̕ʷeyəsít
1539.1. release st. ȻO¸EST kʷáʔəst
1540. remember st. HÁQ hék̕ʷ
1540.1. remove cap from jar ȻEȾḴIT kʷət̕ᶿqít
1540.2. remove from mouth ȽOX̱ET ɬáx̣ʷət
1540.3. rent st. ȺY¸ELTENEḴ ʔéy̕əltənəq
1541. repair LÁ¸T léʔt
1542. repair a net no word no word
1543. report (bring news) ḰEL¸ḰEL¸ qʷə́l̕qʷəl̕
1543.1. report to police ḰELTENEḴ qʷəltə́nəq
1544. respect ȽOSET ɬasət
1545. resemble, look alike NEȽNEȻEL nəɬnə́kʷəl
1546. rest ḴÁȻEṈ qékʷəŋ
1547. return W̱YÁL¸ḴEN xʷyél̕qən
1547.1. return st. W̱YEL¸ḴEṈISTW̱ xʷyəl̕qəŋístxʷ
1548. reveal, announce ȻȺ kʷéy
1548.1. get revenge MEṮOSET məƛ̕ásət
1549. revive, bring back to life HEL¸ITEṈ həl̕ítəŋ̕
1550. ride a horse I¸- SȾÁ¸ȾE¸;
ʔiʔ st̕ᶿéʔt̕ᶿəʔ;
1551. ring a bell TINTEN tíntən
1552. rise to the surface BEȻ p̕ə́kʷ
1553. rise (the sun) ȻȽ- EN¸Á SÁ¸ESET TŦE SḰEḰEL¸ kʷɬ ʔənʔé séʔəsət tθə sqʷəqʷə́l̕
1554. roast meat ₭ELEṈ q̕ʷə́ləŋ
1555. roast fish ₭ELEṈ q̕ʷə́ləŋ
1556. rob so. ḴÁN¸ET qén̕ət
1556.1. rock boat as signal for silence Ȼ͸EXTEṈ kʷə́y̕əx̣təŋ
1557. roll st. over MELEJT mələ́č̕t
1557.1. roll st. up W̱XEL¸JOST xʷx̣əl̕č̕ást
1557.2. roll a cigarette W̱EL¸QÁL¸S xʷəl̕k̕ʷél̕s
1557.3. roll (dough for a pie) DÁLET t̕élət
1557.3. row backward PUTELȻI¸S putəlkʷéʔs
1557.4. row forward ŦESXOSEṈ θəsx̣ásəŋ
1558. rub st. ȽEMEX̱T ɬə́məx̣ʷt
1558.1. rub (shine, buff, iron) W̱IḰET xʷíqʷət
1559. run ȻONEṈET kʷánəŋət
1560. run away ṮIU¸ ƛ̕íw̕
1560.1. run after so. ĆI¸ÁSES čiʔésəs
1560.2. be safe SLÁLE¸ sléləʔ
1560.3. sail PW̱ENEṈ pxʷə́nəŋ
1561. say st. ḰÁL qʷél
1561.1. say XENEṈ x̣ə́nəŋ
1561.2. say what you know TX̱E¸NOX̱ tx̣ʷəʔnax̣ʷ
1562. save (a person) HELINEW̱ həlínəxʷ
1563. scald QÁS k̕ʷés
1564. scare, frighten SE¸SI¸ṈISTW̱ səʔsiʔŋístxʷ
1565. scatter ṮPEXT ƛ̕pə́x̣t
1566. scold a child ḰEḰEL¸ṈET qʷə́qʷəl̕ŋət
1567. scold so. ḰEḰEL¸ṈET qʷə́qʷəl̕ŋət
1568. scoop st. up IĆEȽ ʔíčəɬ
1569. scorch QÁS k̕ʷés
1569.1. scramble (competition) SWÁÁNS swéens
1570. scrape (a hide) EXIṈ¸EȽ ʔəx̣íŋ̕əɬ
1570.1. scrape st. IXET ʔíx̣ət
1571. scratch (an itch) XÁKET x̣eq̕ət
1571.1. sctatch (by cat, e.g.) XIJET x̣íč̕ət
1572. scream ȻEXŦINEṈ kʷəx̣θínəŋ
1573. search for st. ṮLE¸T ƛ̕léʔt
1574. see st. QENNEW̱ k̕ʷə́nnəxʷ
1575. sell W̱ÍYEM;
1576. send (an object) ȻEŦNIT;
1577. send (a person) SÁT sét
1577.1. send bad spirit power into so. XDET x̣t̕ə́t
1578. separate (objects) ȽEṈNEȻÁLET ɬəŋnəkʷélət
1579. separate (people fighting) W̱ȽEṈSISELO¸ xʷɬəŋsisəláʔ
1580. separate (in marriage) ȻEȻENEȻEL kʷəkʷənə́kʷəl
1580.1. serve food XȽOSTW̱;
1581. sew JÁȾ č̕ét̕ᶿ
1582. shake (a tree, stick, dog) W̱ISET xʷísət
1582.1. shake head W̱ȻI¸SOSEṈ xʷkʷiʔsásəŋ
1582.2. shake (from nervousness) ȽETXT ɬətx̣t
1582.3. shake (a rattle) KETXT q̕ə́tx̣t
1583. share out ŦELEḴTEL θə́ləqtəl
1584. sharpen (a point) ŚPEḴST;
1585. sharpen (a blade) DEḴES;
1586. shave oneself EXŦINEṈ ʔəx̣θínəŋ
1586.1. shelter KELEJSET q̕ələ́č̕sət
1586.2. shine light on st. TEȻÁTEṈ təkʷétəŋ
1587. shine up st. X̱ȻOLEST x̣ʷkʷaləst
1588. shiver ȽETXTEṈ ɬə́tx̣təŋ
1589. shoot st. ȽENEQT ɬə́nək̕ʷt
1590. get to the shore, go ashore ȽÁL ɬél
1591. shout ȻÁĆEṈ kʷéčəŋ
1592. shove, slide st. ŦXET θx̣ə́t
1593. show st. to so. QENSTW̱ k̕ʷə́nstxʷ
1593.1. show off JEKENEḴ č̕ə́q̕ənəq
1593.2. show up, show oneself ȻIL¸ kʷíl̕
1594. shrink KELEBSET q̕ələ́p̕sət
1595. be sick SXÁȽEȽ sx̣éɬəɬ
1595.1. sigh ȻEŚEḴ kʷəšə́q
1596. catch sight of st. XELEḴNEW̱;
1597. signal, make a sign no word no word
1598. be silent SEMW̱OŦEN qʷəleens;
1599. sing a song DILEM t̕íləm
1600. sing a lovesong DILEM t̕íləm
1601. sink ṮĆILEṈ ƛ̕číləŋ
1602. singe (hairs off skin) QSIȻES k̕ʷsíkʷəs
1603. sit, be sitting ŚȾEȾE¸WÁ¸Ć št̕ᶿət̕ᶿəʔwéʔč
1604. sit down W̱ȾEU¸ÁĆEṈ xʷt̕ᶿəw̕éčəŋ
1604.1. sit next to so. DENOSTEL¸ t̕ənástəl̕
1604.2. sit up EMET ʔə́mət
1604.3. size up another person ₭E₭ŚÁP;
1605. skim off ȽEṈÁS ɬəŋés
1606. skin large animals QIȾET k̕ʷít̕ᶿət
1607. skin small furry animals QIȾET k̕ʷít̕ᶿət
1608. slap so. ȽO₭ET ɬáq̕ʷət
1609. sleep NEḰ nə́qʷ
1610. slide (as children playing) ḴEḴEXOŦET qəqəx̣áθət
1611. slip (foot slips) ḴXITEṈ qx̣ítəŋ
1611.1. slip doing st. with hands EȽPÁSES ʔəɬpéθəs
1611.2. make a slip of the tongue W̱MÁ¸ȻEȽḴEN xʷméʔkʷəɬqən
1611.3. slurp while drinking (as dog) ȽEḰȽEḰ ɬə́qʷɬəqʷ
1612. smash up Ƚ͸YEḰT ɬə́y̕əqʷt
1613. smell st. ĆHOḰ;
1613.1. smell st. burnt MAXEṈ méx̣əŋ
1614. smell (give off smell) HO¸EḰ háʔəqʷ
1615. smear SLEMW̱ slə́mxʷ
1616. smile W̱NEĆEṈES xʷnəčə́ŋəs
1617. smoke (cigarettes) ȽBOṮEṈ ɬp̕áƛ̕əŋ
1618. smoke (hides) PEQIṈ¸EȽ;
1619. smoke (salmon) PEQIṈ¸EȽ;
1620. smoke (meat) PEQIṈ¸EȽ;
1621. smudge no word no word
1622. sneak up to, stalk (a person) ṮIJET ƛ̕íč̕ət
1623. sneak along ṮEJELO¸ ƛ̕əč̕əláʔ
1624. sneeze HÁSEṈ hésəŋ
1624.1. sniff SOBEṈ;
1625. snore ȽEDO₭EṈ ɬət̕áq̕ʷəŋ
1626. snow falls ĆIḴ číq
1626.1. snowed in S¸IMELES sʔímələs
1627. soak DELEḴIT;
1628. sob ȽĆOLȻEȽ ɬčálkʷəɬ
1629. sober up BȽESET p̕ɬə́sət
1630. spank W̱ŚJEU¸ÁĆT;
1631. speak (as in I speak Indian) W̱ILṈEW̱ḴEN SEN xʷílŋəxʷqən sən
1631.1. speak for so. ŦOŦENT θáθənt
1631.2. speak out strongly ṈEXET ŋəx̣ə́t
1632. make a speech ḰEḰÁL¸ qʷəqʷél̕
1632.1. put a spell on so. SI¸WI¸N siʔwiʔn
1633. spill (a liquid) ȻEL¸ kʷə́l̕
1634. spill (a solid) ȻEL¸ kʷə́l̕
1634.1. spin (as a top) X̱EMX̱EMÍOSET x̣ʷəmx̣ʷəməyásət
1635. spin wool ḴÁLEJ qéləč̕
1636. spit, expectorate ĆX̱ÁȽSE;
1636.1. splash (clean water) ȽELET ɬələ́t
1636.2. splash (muddy water) DELEḴ t̕ələ́q
1637. splice rope EŦNEȻÁLET ʔəθnəkʷélət
1638. split wood SKO¸LEU¸SE;
1638.1. spoil a child ŚEŚṮÁ¸Ƚ šəšƛ̕éʔɬ
1638.2. getting a spouse TELOSEṈ¸ təlásəŋ̕
1639. sprain one's ankle ḰÍYE¸SEN qʷəyə́ʔsən
1640. spread out (as a blanket) PÁŦET péθət;
1641. spread berries out to dry PÁŦET péθət
1641.1. spread fish out to dry DÁLET t̕élət
1641.2. spread legs apart ŚTEXEL¸EȽ štəx̣ə́lʔəɬ
1642. sprinkle st., spray LELTOST;
1643. squat W̱¸EMETNÁĆ xʷʔəmətnéč
1644. squeal on so. ŦOȻET θákʷət
1645. squeeze st. (with hands) JIBET č̕íp̕ət
1646. squeeze st. (with tongs) JIBET č̕íp̕ət
1647. squirt DEL¸ȾT t̕ə́l̕t̕ᶿt
1648. stab, prong, spear st. TĆET tčə́t
1649. stagger W̱EȾEṈ xʷə́t̕ᶿəŋ
1650. stake (a horse) KEBOST q̕əp̕ást
1651. stalk an animal ṮIJET ƛ̕íč̕ət
1652. stand, be standing ŦIȽEṈ θíɬəŋ
1652.1. stand by so. getting picked on ŚE¸NS šən̕s
1653. stand up ŦIȽEṈ θíɬəŋ
1654. stare at so. ȾE¸LET t̕ᶿəl̕ət
1655. starve W̱ÁNEĆ xʷénəč
1655.1. starve self, fast ȾEL¸SET t̕ᶿə́l̕sət
1656. stay with spouse's family QIȽEU k̕ʷíɬəw̕
1657. steal ḴÁN¸ qén̕
1658. steam-cook ȾW̱ÁS t̕ᶿxʷés
1658.1. steer (a car or boat) JENÁSET č̕ənésət
1658.2. steer (a canoe) KȺNEĆ q̕éynəč
1659. take a step ĆENSENEṈ čənsə́nəŋ
1659.1. step on st. IṈET ʔíŋət
1659.2. step up on st. ȾE¸SENEṈ t̕ᶿəʔsə́nəŋ
1660. take out (of box) SḴÁS sqés
1661. stick, adhere, paste on Ṯ₭ET ƛ̕q̕ʷə́t
1662. stick out, protrude SHI¸EĆ shíʔəč
1663. stick st. into st. (hollow) NEU¸EḴST nəw̕ə́qst
1664. stink HO¸ḰSET;
1665. be stingy W̱ḴELWEȽ xʷqə́lwəɬ
1666. stir ȻI¸XIṈEȽ kʷiʔx̣íŋəɬ
1667. stop st. ENEW̱ ʔə́nəxʷ
1668. stop walking ENEW̱ ʔə́nəxʷ
1668.1. stop working on st. HOĆET háčət
1669. stop raining W̱ÁȾSEN xʷét̕ᶿsən
1670. store away EL¸IṈEȽ ʔəl̕íŋəɬ
1670.1. straighten oneself up SQEŦET sk̕ʷəθət
1670.2. strangle DIQȽNÁLET t̕ik̕ʷɬnélət
1671. stretch (as sweater) ODET ʔát̕ət
1671.1. stretch neck to see ŚEŚÁ¸DEṈ¸ šəšéʔt̕əŋ̕
1672. stretch out (arm) ŦQET θk̕ʷə́t
1673. stretch out, extend (rope) ŦQET θk̕ʷə́t
1674. string up a hide KI¸LET q̕íʔlət
1675. stroke, pet IPET;
1675.1. be stuck (in mud) DEȻW̱TEṈ t̕əkʷxʷtəŋ
1675.1. make so. spiritually strong QĆÁT k̕ʷčét
1676. stumble ȽIQSEN ɬík̕ʷsən
1677. stutter W̱S¸IĆEĆ xʷsʔəčəč;
1678. support, prop up X̱ODET x̣ʷát̕ət
1678.1. surprise SJEȾEQSET sč̕ət̕ᶿə́k̕ʷsət
1679. suck on st. ȾOḰET t̕ᶿáqʷət
1679.1. suck in, draw in with breath SOBET sáp̕ət
1680. suffer, have a hard time XEȽIL¸ȻES x̣əɬíl̕kʷəs
1681. suspect ₭Á¸ELEQ q̕ʷéʔələk̕ʷ
1681.1. surprise, impress JEK č̕ə́q̕
1681.2. be suspicious of DEMOSET t̕əmásət
1682. swallow ṈEKEȽSEṈ ŋəq̕ə́ɬsəŋ
1683. sweat ĆO₭EṈ čáq̕ʷəŋ
1684. take a sweatbath no word no word
1685. swell up BOOṈ p̕áaŋ
1685.1. be swollen ŚW̱SO¸SEL¸ šxʷsáʔsəl̕
1686. sweep (a floor) EX̱ISET ʔəx̣ʷísət
1687. swim (a person) DEṈO¸EṈ;
1687.1. swim (a fish) ŚTEṈ;
1687.2. swing KIDE q̕ít̕ə
1687.3. tack (sailing) KELJOSEṈ q̕əlč̕ásəŋ
1687.4. take all of it MEQET mək̕ʷə́t
1687.5. take along YÁ¸TW̱ yéʔtxʷ
1687.6. take away JILET č̕ílət
1687.7. take care of so., take so. in OȽET ʔáɬət
1687.8. taken out of water TELLISTEṈ təllístəŋ
1687.9. take st. ȻENET kʷə́nət
1687.10. take st. in NEU¸ÁS nəw̕és
1687.11. take st. into the woods ŚIJET šíč̕ət
1688. talk, discuss ḰEL¸NEȻEL qʷəl̕nə́kʷəl
1688.1. talk quietly W̱SQEQE¸IȽ xʷsk̕ʷək̕ʷíʔəɬ
1688.2. talk to so. ḰÁLTW̱ qʷéltxʷ
1689. tan hides no word no word
1690. taste DÁ¸ET t̕éʔət
1691. teach (as languages) EȻOSET ʔəkʷásət
1692. teach (how to do st.) EȻOSET;
1692.1. teach in school SȻUȻEL¸TW̱ skʷúkʷəl̕txʷ
1693. tear, rip SKET sq̕ə́t
1694. tease ȻE¸UȾÁ¸NEḴ kʷəʔwt̕ᶿeʔnəq
1695. tell (news) YEŦOST yəθást
1696. tell (a story), narrate X̱͸ÁM¸ x̣ʷəy̕ém̕
1696.1. tell so. off ȽX̱OST ɬx̣ʷást
1696.2. tell so. to do st. SÁT sét
1696.3. tell so. to leave, shoo so./st. WÁȽET wéɬət
1696.4. tell the truth W̱ŦE¸ITḴEN xʷθəʔítqən̕
1697. thank JIIT;
1698. thaw ĆEX̱EṈ čə́x̣ʷəŋ
1699. think W̱ḰEL¸ḰEL¸IȻEN;
1699.1. think it's the right thing XEN¸IȻEN¸ x̣ən̕íkʷən
1700. be thirsty ŚEL¸ŚEL¸ÁṈ šəl̕šəl̕éŋ
1701. throw (a rock) X̱ÁL¸TW̱ x̣ʷél̕txʷ
1702. throw at so. DEM¸ET t̕əm̕ə́t
1703. throw across, toss at so. DEM¸ET t̕əm̕ə́t
1704. throw away, discard SX̱ELTELO¸ sx̣ʷəl̕təláʔ
1705. tickle so. ŚEJEBT šəč̕ə́p̕t
1706. tie st. up KÁBET q̕ép̕ət
1706.1. tighten TḰET tqʷə́t
1707. tilt, lift up at one end ȻEŦNÁĆT kʷəθnéčt
1708. be tired ȽĆIȻES ɬčíkʷəs
1708.1. get tired of JJINEU¸ č̕č̕ín̕əw̕
1708.2. toast st. SQÁSEṈ sk̕ʷésəŋ
1709. touch (with hands) ṮÁBET ƛ̕ép̕ət
1709.1. towed W̱QOSTEṈ xʷk̕ʷástəŋ
1710. train oneself (sport) DÁDE¸SET t̕ét̕əʔsət;
1711. train oneself (as Indian doctor) DÁDE¸SET t̕ét̕əʔsət
1711.1. transfer st. OX̱TW̱ ʔáx̣ʷtxʷ
1712. trap animals XEŚEṈ x̣ə́šəŋ
1713. trap fish TḴÁP tqép'
1714. travel on foot SXENE¸ÁL¸S sx̣ənəʔél̕s
1715. travel by canoe ȽLOȽ ɬláɬ
1716. travel on horseback SȾÁ¸ȾE¸ st̕ᶿéʔt̕ᶿəʔ
1717. travel HÁU¸E héw̕ə
1717.1. travel off shore IȽȻIȽ ʔiʔɬkʷíɬ
1717.2. treated well I¸YÁ¸TEṈ ʔiʔyéʔtəŋ̕
1718. tremble ȽETXTEṈ ɬə́tx̣təŋ
1718.1. trip so. ȽEQSENET ɬək̕ʷsə́nət
1718.2. be trouble TEĆEX̱ELÁÁN təčəx̣ʷəléen
1718.3. get into trouble TEĆEX̱ILETEṈ təčəx̣ʷílətəŋ
1719. try, attempt, taste DÁ¸ET t̕éʔət
1720. turn around (oneself) XELEJSET;
1721. turn around st. XELEJT x̣ə́ləč̕t
1722. turn st. inside out W̱ĆELEU¸T xʷčələ́w̕t
1723. turn st. upside down KBOST q̕p̕ást
1723.1. turn st. upright TEŚELT;
1724. turn around a bend KELISET q̕əlísət
1725. turn loose, set free ȻȾOSTEṈ kʷt̕ᶿástəŋ
1725.1. turn off (radio, television, etc.) ENEW̱TW̱ ʔə́nəxʷtxʷ
1725.2. turn onto another path, deviate DXET t̕x̣ə́t
1725.3. turn other way, look away ḴELOSEṈ qəlásəŋ
1726. twist st. XELEJT x̣ə́ləč̕t
1727. understand TEL¸ŦIN təl̕θín
1728. undress ȽO₭EṈ ɬáq̕ʷəŋ
1729. unravel EȽEPT ʔəɬə́pt
1729.1. unwind st., untie ȻEȾESET;
1729.2. get up on st. ȾI¸LEṈ t̕ᶿíʔləŋ
1730. urinate ŚIWE¸ šíwəʔ
1730.1. use st. ĆOȻES čákʷəs
1731. be visible SȻIU¸EL skʷíw̕əl
1732. vomit ĆÁ¸ET čéʔət
1733. wade SIX̱EṈ síx̣ʷəŋ
1733.1. waste time ÁLEW̱EL¸ ʔéləxʷəl̕
1734. wait for MEQEL¸O¸ mək̕ʷəl̕áʔ
1734.1. wait awhile W̱U¸Á xʷuʔé
1735. wake up (oneself) W̱Í xʷə́y
1736. wake so. up W̱EĆET xʷə́čət
1737. walk ŚTEṈ;
1737.1. walk along beach ȽSEHÁ¸W;
1737.2. walk around the house KTÁU¸TW̱ q̕téw̕txʷ
1737.3. walk softly ṮEJSENEṈ ƛ̕əč̕sə́nəŋ
1737.4. walk with so. ₭O¸ŚEN q̕ʷáʔšən
1738. wander around ŚEŚTEṈOSEṈ šəštəŋásəŋ
1739. want SṮI¸ sƛ̕íʔ
1739.1. want to do it AXEṈ¸ÁL¸ṈEN ʔex̣əŋ̕él̕ŋən
1739.2. not wanting so. JEJIN¸EU¸ č̕əč̕ín̕əw̕
1740. make war XILEX x̣íləx̣
1741. wash one's face W̱ȾEȻOST xʷt̕ᶿəʔkʷást
1742. wash clothes ȾE¸ȻELȻOTEṈ t̕ᶿəʔkʷəlkʷátəŋ
1742.1. washed ashore ḰEȽTEṈ qʷə́ɬtəŋ
1742.2. watch, observe XȽÁM¸;
x̣ɬém̕' k̕ʷən̕ít
1742.3. be in water SḴÁSEȽ sqésəɬ
1743. wave at so. DEL¸KOST t̕əl̕q̕ást
1744. be in the way LEKÁȽ ləq̕éɬ
1745. weave ȽEN¸ET ɬə́n̕ət
1745.1. weave a basket Á¸ȻEL¸ ʔéʔkʷəl̕
1746. weep, cry X̱OṈ x̣ʷáŋ
1747. weigh no word no word
1747.1. get wet ȾEMOṈESET t̕ᶿəmáŋəsət
1748. whip (a horse) ŚJET šč̕ə́t
1749. whisper SEȻEḴT səkʷə́qt
1750. whistle ŚOPT šápt
1751. whittle ŚIP šíp
1752. win a contest ṮW̱ENEḴ;
1753. wind st. around st. KELȻOLES q̕əlkʷáləs
1753.1. wind up (watch) W̱LECLIT xʷləklít
1754. wink W̱ṮI₭OSEṈ xʷƛ̕iq̕ʷásəŋ
1755. wipe ÁJET ʔéč̕ət
1755.1. wish for st. ŚITEṈ šítəŋ
1755.2. wish for a particular food TÁṈ¸ES téŋ̕əs
1756. work ĆȺ čéy
1756.1. work on st. ĆÁĆET čéčət
1757. wound MÁ¸ȻEȽ méʔkʷəɬ
1758. wrap up W̱ELEQT xʷə́lək̕ʷt
1759. wrestle ȻENTO¸EL kʷəntaʔəl
1759.1. wring st. out JIȾET č̕ít̕ᶿət
1760. write XEL¸ELO¸ x̣əl̕əláʔ
1760.1. do or say st. wrong DEX t̕ə́x̣
1761. yawn SWAḴES;
1762. yell ȻÁĆEṈ kʷéčəŋ