Human relations

605. person EȽTÁLṈEW̱ ʔəɬtélŋəxʷ
606. woman SȽÁNI¸ sɬéniʔ
607. man SW͸ḴE¸ swə́y̕qəʔ
608. elder, old person S¸ÁLEW̱ sʔéləxʷ
609. baby ḴAḴ qéq
609.1. boy baby W͸ḴE¸ wə́y̕qəʔ
609.2. girl baby ȽÁNI¸ ɬéniʔ
609.3. toddler MEMIM¸EN¸ SṮI¸ṮEȽḴEȽ məmím̕ən̕ sƛ̕íʔƛ̕əɬqəɬ
610. young boy (approx. SW͸ḴO¸EȽ swiʔqáʔəɬ
611. young girl (approx. SȽENEĆOOȽ sɬənəčáaɬ
612. youth, young man SWIU¸LES swíw̕ləs
613. maiden KÁ¸ṈI¸ q̕éʔŋiʔ
614. spouse STOLES stáləs
614.1. bachelor ĆESW͸ḴE¸ čəswə́y̕qəʔ
614.2. spinster ĆESȽÁNI¸ čəsɬéniʔ
614.3. rival for spouse ŚO¸YE šáʔyə
615. co-wife, sweetheart S¸ÍE¸ sʔə́yəʔ
615.1. mate, spouse NOU¸ náw̕
616. father MÁN mén
617. parent SI¸SET síʔsət
618. mother TÁN tén
619. deceased parent W̱LISĆEN xʷlisčən
619.1. step-parent ŚW̱S¸OQEȽ šxʷsʔák̕ʷəɬ
620. grandparent SILE¸ síləʔ
621. great-grandparent/child JO¸MEḰ č̕áʔməqʷ
622. great-great-grandparent/child EȻÍEḰ ʔə́kʷəyəqʷ
623. great-great-great-grandparent/child ȾEBÍEḰ t̕ᶿə́p̕əyəqʷ
624. aunt, uncle SÁĆS séčs
625. sibling of deceased parent ŚW̱ḴSEĆÁÁȽ šxʷqsəčéeɬ
626. father's brother's wife (of man) SÁĆS séčs
627. father's brother's wife (of woman) SÁĆS séčs
628. mother's sister (of man) SÁĆS séčs
629. mother's sister (of woman) SÁĆS séčs
630. mother's brother's wife (of man) SÁĆS séčs
631. mother's brother's wife (of woman) SÁĆS séčs
632. brothers and sisters E₭Á¸TEL¸;
633. children of one family ṈENṈENE¸S ŋə́nŋənəʔs
634. son, offspring ṈENE¸ ŋə́nəʔ
635. daughter, offspring ṈENE¸ ŋə́nəʔ
635.1. son/daughter not home ṈI¸ṈENE¸ ŋiʔŋənəʔ
636. twins SJELIYÍE sč̕ələyáyə
637. brother, sister, cousin ŚW̱¸O₭E¸ šxʷʔáq̕ʷəʔ
638. half-sibling SNEJIWEȽ snəč̕íwəɬ
639. sister of man no word no word
640. sister of woman no word no word
641. elder brother/sister ŚÍEȽ šə́yəɬ
642. eldest sibling LOṮ láƛ̕
643. eldest of a family S¸ELELW̱ÁÁN sʔələlxʷéen
644. elder sister of woman no word no word
645. younger brother/sister SELȺ¸ĆEN;
646. youngest sibling (own) HÁ¸EĆ héʔəč
647. youngest sibling (other's) SE¸ĆOL¸Ƚ səʔčál̕ɬ
648. younger sister of woman no word no word
649. youngest in family no word no word
650. cousin, close relative STES SĆÁ¸ĆE¸ stə́s sčéʔčəʔ
651. male cousin of woman no word no word
652. female cousin of man no word no word
653. female cousin of woman no word no word
654. nephew/niece (parent alive) STIȻEN stíkʷən
655. nephew/niece (parent dead) SȻENṈEĆEȽ skʷənŋə́čəɬ
656. niece of man no word no word
657. niece of woman no word no word
658. grandchild IṈES ʔíŋəs
659. great-grandchild/parent JO¸MEḰ č̕áʔməqʷ
660. in-laws SELSLÁ¸EȽ səlsléʔəɬ
661. parent of son/daughter-in-law SQOL¸WES sk̕ʷál̕wəs
662. brother-in-law SṈÁTW̱EN sŋétxʷən
663. sister-in-law SṈÁTW̱EN sŋétxʷən
664. spouse of dead offspring/sibling JÁÁ¸YE č̕eeʔə
664.1. co-mourner, parent of 664 QEȽX̱O¸EṈ¸ k̕ʷəɬx̣ʷáʔəŋ̕
665. husband's sister SṈÁTW̱EN sŋétxʷən
666. woman's sister-in-law ŚW̱¸ÁLES šxʷʔéləs
667. spouse's sibling's spouse SNEJELṈEḴ snə́č̕əlŋəq
668. husband's brother's wife no word no word
669. man's sister's husband SĆUTȺȽ sčutéyɬ
670. spouse's parent, sibling-in-law SLÁ¸EȽ sléʔəɬ
671. parent of deceased child-in-law QEȽX̱O¸EṈ¸ k̕ʷəɬx̣ʷáʔəŋ̕
672. spouse's grandparent ŚW̱SILE¸ šxʷsíləʔ
673. grand-child's spouse ŚW̱¸IṈES šxʷʔíŋəs
674. ancestor, tradition, speeches ĆELÁṈEN čəléŋən
675. widower SYÁ¸TEN syéʔtən
676. widow SYÁ¸TEN syéʔtən
677. orphan W̱SȻÁṈ¸EN xʷskʷéŋən
678. spouse of deceased sibling JȺY¸E č̕éyʔə
678.1. person who's lost all relatives LESĆENOṈET ləsčənáŋət
679. adopted child SQEṈ¸Ⱥ¸ȽEṈ¸ sk̕ʷəŋ̕éy̕ɬəŋ̕
680. person of high class SI¸ÁM¸;
681. person of low class TSOS tsás
682. slave SQÍEŦ sk̕ʷə́yəθ
682.1. slave's master ŚW̱SQÍEŦS šxʷsk̕ʷəyəθs
683. have an illegitimate child U¸SĆṈENE¸S OL¸ ʔuʔsčŋə́nəʔs ʔal̕
683.1. a child with no father SMEQ smə́k̕ʷ
684. midwife (One who looks after having babies) NIȽ QEN¸T Ȼ SĆḴAḴS níɬ k̕ʷə́n̕t kʷ sčqéqs.
685. chief Ćif;
685.1. boss, foreman SI¸ÁM¸ siʔém̕
685.2. leader SHIU¸E¸Ḱ shíw̕əʔqʷ
685.3. someone who speaks for you ŚḰEḰÁL¸ šqʷəqʷél̕
685.3. warrior STOMEŚ stáməš
685.4. Indian agent IĆENT ʔíčənt
685.5. government W̱ENITEM SI¸ÁM¸ xʷənítəm siʔém̕
685.6. tribal counselor CONSEL kánsəl
686. Indian W̱ILṈEW̱ xʷílŋəxʷ
686.1. Saanich W̱SÁNEĆ xʷsénəč
686.2. Saanich language SENĆOŦEN;
686.3. Samish SIN¸ÁMEŚ sin̕éməš
686.4. Songhees, Lkungen LEQEṈEN lək̕ʷə́ŋən
686.5. Sooke SO¸EȻ sáʔəkʷ
686.6. Lummi W̱LEMI xʷlə́mi
686.7. Klallam W̱SṮÁ¸LEM¸;
686.8. Cowichan ḴEU¸EĆEN qə́w̕əčən
686.9. Cowichan language LEKEM¸IN¸EṈ¸ ləq̕əm̕ín̕əŋ̕
686.10. Squamish SḰX̱O¸MEŚ sqʷx̣ʷáʔməš
686.11. Seschelt ŚI¸ŚÁ¸Ƚ šiʔšéʔɬ
686.12. Interior Indians (e.g. Yakima) ȽEKETE¸ ɬə́q̕ətəʔ
686.13. West Coast Indians ṈEŦÁL¸EṈEW̱ ŋəθél̕əŋəxʷ
686.14. Makah MEKÁ¸E məq̕éʔə
686.15. Tsimshian ȾEM¸ŚIYÁN t̕ᶿəm̕šiyén
686.16. Haida YE¸ȻO¸ȽTEX yəʔkʷáʔɬtəx̣
686.17. Northern Indians (raiders) W̱TIWEL xʷtíwəl
687. Anglo, white person W̱ENITEM xʷənítəm
687.1. African, black person KIXÍE¸ q̕íx̣əyəʔ
687.2. American SPESTEN¸E¸Ƚ spəstən̕əɬ
687.3. Canadian SCIṈĆOOĆEȽ skiŋčáačəɬ
687.4. Chinese ĆȺMEN čéymən
687.5. English language W̱ENITEM¸OŦEN;
687.6. Hawaiian WȺHI wéyhi
687.7. Japanese ĆEPENI;
687.8. different people NEȾÁ¸EU¸ṈEW̱ nət̕ᶿéʔəw̕ŋəxʷ
688. friend SĆÁ¸ĆE¸ sčéʔčəʔ
688.1. companion S₭O¸;
688.2. bed partner SENO¸Ȼ sənáʔkʷ
688.3. canoe partner Ś₭O¸ȻEȽ šq̕ʷáʔkʷəɬ
688.4. contestant, candidate EWOTEL¸ ʔəwátəl̕
688.5. in-group HÁÁȽTEN héeɬtən
688.6. next-door neighbor SDON¸EU¸TW̱ st̕ən̕ə́w̕txʷ
688.7. thief ḴÁN¸ḴEN¸ qén̕qən̕
688.8. tattletale NEW̱SḰEL¸ḰEL¸ nəxʷsqʷə́l̕qʷəl̕
688.9. busybody NIȽSTEN¸OM¸ET. níɬstən̕ám̕ət
688.10. so. always volunteering SĆ͸EU¸STEN¸M¸ET sčáy̕əw̕stən̕m̕ət
688.11. a gathering SKEP sq̕ə́p
689. enemy ŚEMÁN šəmén
690. raid TEḴ tə́q
691. war SXȺLEX;
692. sweetheart S¸ÍE¸ sʔə́yəʔ
693. newcomer Ḵ͸ES TÁĆEL qə́y̕əs téčəl
694. wedding SMELYITEL sməlyítəl
695. town TO¸WEN¸;
696. village Á¸LEṈ¸ENEȻ ʔéʔləŋənəkʷ
697. ancestral name NEHIYMET nəhíymət
697.1. heritage ȾEX̱TÁN t̕ᶿəx̣ʷtén
697.2. present, gift SȽIL sɬíl
698. nickname ȻŚÁM¸EN kʷšém̕ən
698.1. language ŚḰEL¸TEN šqʷə́l̕tən