SENĆOŦEN Classified Word List

This word list contains over 3300 SENĆOŦEN words in both the local SENĆOŦEN alphabet and in the common phonetic alphabet. Most of these words are associated with sound files. Click on a word and you may hear the SENĆOŦEN word pronounced by one of these speakers of SENĆOŦEN as their first language: Elsie Claxton†, Manson Pelkey†, Earl Claxton†, Chris Paul†, Dave Elliott†, Ivan Morris†, Ray Sam†, Anne Jimmy†, Richard Harry†, Lou Claxton, Lavina Charles.

A version of this list was published in 1991 and first posted on the web in 1999. This completely revised and expanded 2015 version is based on the SENĆOŦEN: A Dictionary of the Saanich Language. Every word has been checked and rechecked for accuracy of transcription and meaning. Many of the English items have multiple SENĆOŦEN words associated with them. There are some fine distinctions of meaning in SENĆOŦEN that cannot be explained in a simple word list like this. The published dictionary has full definitions and many example sentences that make these meaning differences clear.

There are many more words in the SENĆOŦEN language than are presented here. This list presents basic words in their most basic forms that match the meaning of the English word given in the list.

The organization and numbering of this list is based on a word list for Northwest languages designed in the 1970's by Aert Kuipers and Randy Bouchard. Most of the words were recorded by Timothy Montler since 1980. Some were recorded in this century by Janet Leonard. Chris Paul was recorded by Randy Bouchard in the 1970's. Thom Hess recorded Dave Elliott in the 1970's. It is unknown who recorded Richard Harry in the 1960's.

The revised word list with associated sound files was compiled from the dictionary entries by Rebecca Gignac and Leslie Houston. The sound files were extracted from recordings that had been annotated using Elan by SENĆOŦEN apprentices Elisha MENEŦIYE Elliott, Philip Kevin Paul, George David PENÁĆ Underwood, PENÁWEṈ Elliott, Madeline SIOLTENOT Bartleman, and Jacqueline Jim with the assistance of Janet Leonard. Suggestions from Randy Bouchard, Rebecca Gignac, Leslie Houston, and Janet Leonard on the form and content of this site are gratefully acknowledged.

The material on this site is based on research funded by grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Jacobs Funds of the Whatcom Museum, and the University of North Texas. Any views, here do not necessarily reflect those of the National Endowment for the Humanities. They do not necessarily reflect those of the other funding organizations, either.